Energy Optimization

Businesses in the above states have deregulated energy. While your utility company continues to deliver electricity and gas, your business actually has the freedom to choose where their energy is supplied from. That's where we come in... to maximize your savings and your energy consumption.

History of Energy Deregulation in the United States

in 1986, the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) was founded to split the U.S. into ten energy regions. Although NERC was effective at improving the reliability of energy delivery, it also allowed for local energy monopolies to pop up. These monopolies would often overcharge energy users who had to foot the cost of any expansion projects initiated by these companies.

Therefore, in 1977, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) was created, and along with the Energy Policy Act of 1992, FERC made a move to deregulate the energy industry and let individual states decide how energy was supplied to users. As a result, competition was once again introduced to the energy industry, and deregulation began across states.

How Deregulated Energy Works

Businesses and consumers in the above states now have deregulated energy. This option gave energy users the choice of who provides their energy, while utility companies still own the delivery infrastructure. 

An energy supplier will purchase energy from the utility companies and then sell their energy supply to consumers. Consumers will still receive their energy from the utility companies’ infrastructure. This process gives consumers more control over the rate they pay for energy while still receiving the same service quality.

Benefits of Deregulated Energy

Energy deregulation offers a variety of benefits to both companies and consumers:

At Astral Energy, you will receive all the energy you can use at a flat monthly fee that won’t change throughout the year. Request a quote to find out your price today!