Donate Link

What is Donate Link? 

It's the easy way for your donors to donate online. Simply add a button to your website, they click on it, and are taken to a secure webpage to complete the transaction. And voila, you just got a paid donation!

You can also email the Donate Link to your donors. They simply click on the link from their email, taking them to a secure website to complete the transaction at their convenience. 

Donate Link Button

Your organization just needs a simple way to collect donations from your website? We've got you covered.

Easy and  fast to create:

Create Donate (or Pay Now) button for website, invoice or email:

Easy to design your branded payment page:

Sample customized and branded payment page:

Donate Link + MORE!

If your organization wants a Donate Link button from your website as well as any or all of the following donation solutions, we've also got you covered.

Online Giving Embedded Right on Your Website

Our donors love the simplicity and familiarity that our donor management software provides. You'll have the same platform online, at the kiosk, and on your mobile app.

We give you a link to put on your website that will take donors to a donation page on your website that will look, and act, like they are standing at the donation kiosk.